In this article we will learn about what is CTE and why do we need to use CTE in sql server. Difference between CTE and temp table and example of CTE.
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In previous articles we have learnt Difference between Scope_Identity(), @@Identity and Ident_Current . Stuff and Replace in SQl. Temp table and table variable .Group By in SQL Server and its use. If Else and Case statement , While Loop . What is Cursor in sql and use of cursor. Difference between Row_Number(), Rank(), Rank_Density() with example.
What Is CTE
CTE is stands for Common Table Expression. It was firstly introduced with SQL Server 2005. CTE is work as a temporary result set just like dataset which is defined with in the scope of Insert, Update ,Delete ,Select statement.
In other words we can say that CTE is used to store data temporarily and at the same time we can perform insert, Delete, Update and Select operation onto that. It is mainly used in recursive queries.
By using CTE you can define your sub-queries at once and select all the returned data from CTE alias using simple select clause same like your normal tables.
With the help of CTE you can perform any filtration on your dynamic result set.
For example in a scenario if we are not using CTE and performing direct filtration on selected record then our query is less readable and become complex . See below example
Now we perform the same operation using CTE which is more understandable and easy to grape for anyone.
In other words we can say that CTE is used to store data temporarily and at the same time we can perform insert, Delete, Update and Select operation onto that. It is mainly used in recursive queries.
CTE Syntax
WITH TempCTE (Column1, Column2, Column3)
SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3
FROM YourTable
SELECT * FROM TempCTE // Select operation
SELECT * FROM TempCTE Where Column2 <
100 // Get
filtered data
Why Do We Need CTE
When you work with sub-queries than always you need to select the part of the data returned by subqueries like join data from multiple tables . In this situation you need to write alias for better understanding or fetch the records directly. But what happend next if this query become more complex after few new requirements changed (new table added on Join condition). Your query will be unmaintainable and not readable to anyone.By using CTE you can define your sub-queries at once and select all the returned data from CTE alias using simple select clause same like your normal tables.
With the help of CTE you can perform any filtration on your dynamic result set.
For example in a scenario if we are not using CTE and performing direct filtration on selected record then our query is less readable and become complex . See below example
SELECT ED.Address, E.Name, E.Salary
From Emp_Detail ED
Inner JOIN Employee E on E.EID = ED.EID) T
WHERE T.Salary
> 10000
Now we perform the same operation using CTE which is more understandable and easy to grape for anyone.
With TempCTE
(Address, Name, Salary) --
Temporary table Column names
SELECT ED.Address,
E.Name, E.Salary From Emp_Detail ED
Inner JOIN Employee E ON E.EID = ED.EID
-- Perform operation on CTE data
WHERE T.Salary
> 50000
When To Use CTE
Common table expression gives the same functionality just like view. You can write recursive query using CTE. When we have complex structure in joining and need to divide the complexity into separate simple logical building blocks then CTE is best to work with.
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