In this article we will learn how to use join using Lambda Expression in C#. Join example with Lambda Expression using LIST collection.
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In previous articles we have learnt Maintain state of dynamic added userConrol in using c#.Arrange Distinct Elements Of A List In Ascending Order Using LINQ
Here i am using the List collection to store the temporary/static data. In your case may be it will the database data.
Below is My two class just like two tables Student and Department.
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Emp> liEmp = new List<Emp>();
liEmp.Add(new Emp { EmpID = 1, EmpName = "JP" });
liEmp.Add(new Emp { EmpID = 2, EmpName = "GurujiPoint" });
liEmp.Add(new Emp { EmpID = 3, EmpName = "PointGuruji" });
liEmp.Add(new Emp { EmpID = 6, EmpName = "DE" });
liEmp.Add(new Emp { EmpID = 8, EmpName = "EF" });
List<Dep> lstDep = new List<Dep>();
lstDep.Add(new Dep { DepID = 1, Department = ".Net", EmpID = 1 });
lstDep.Add(new Dep { DepID = 2, Department = "PHP", EmpID = 2 });
lstDep.Add(new Dep { DepID = 3, Department = "ASP", EmpID = 3 });
lstDep.Add(new Dep { DepID = 4, Department = "Android", EmpID = 4 });
lstDep.Add(new Dep { DepID = 5, Department = "GD", EmpID = 5 });
lstDep.Add(new Dep { DepID = 6, Department = "UI", EmpID = 6 });
//INNER JOIN Using Lambda Expression
var lamdaData =
liEmp.Join(lstDep, emp => emp.EmpID, dep => dep.EmpID, (emp, dep) => new
foreach (var data in lamdaData)
Console.WriteLine("EmpId = " + data.EmpID
+ ",Emp Name = " + data.EmpName +
",Department = " + data.Department);
Removing duplicate records from SQL Table
Removing duplicate records from SQL Table
EmpId = 1,Emp Name = JP,Department = .Net
EmpId = 2,Emp Name = GurujiPoint,Department = PHP
EmpId = 3,Emp Name = PointGuruji,Department = ASP
EmpId = 6,Emp Name = DE,Department = UI
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